Benin - wiLearn 4 life

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Benin - Vocational Training Center Liweitari
wiLearn engages with the first french wiLearnCAP and a 1TB SSD . We customized the education modules to show primarily french library media and language learning content. Due to the dusty surroundings that the Liweitari training center is located and the intention to use the server for farmer field schools on the road the SSD harddisc was preferred. The small cost added to the purchase of the server far outweighs the risk of any harddisk failure in a rather underdeveloped location where replacement will not be available.

Future - wiLearn anticiaptes that this project could grow if first trials are developing positively. The project is well palced because of the on site mentoring support and regular help of Swiss Civil Servants who serve their duty for the Nation at the Centre.
Work in progress...
soon we have more info for YOU
Thank you for your interest!
+41 76 215 09 63
Call me for specific info anydaytime, Roland

wiLearn 4 Life
Zürcherstr. 36
8426 Lufingen
Raiffeisenbank Zürich Flughafen
CHF  IBAN CH86 8080 8007 3148 8786 6
USD  IBAN CH26 8080 8002 1528 6662 1
SWIFT-BIC: RAIFCH22E74 | BC-Nr. 81474

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